Saturday, 9 February 2013

New Cancer Prevention Research

New Cancer Prevention Research

New Cancer Prevention Research
By Brittany Randolph

The thing about cancer is that there are always going to be new studies coming out with more information about how one can go about preventing cancer. The question in itself is a tough one, because there is no set formula for avoiding cancer. However, there are steps that one can take in their every day lives to reduce the statistical likelihood of being diagnosed with cancer. Over time, the amount of cancer research that is being done has ensured that these reports are more accurate than before. The best thing to do is to read up on recent research and attempt to incorporate those ideas into your life as best as possible.

Recently, research has been done that has shown how processed food and fast food can be directly related to the rise in cancer diagnoses over the past few years. The difficult thing with this statement is that it is almost impossible to know which foods are directly responsible. There might be some fast foods that are 100% not related to cancer, but there might be some that are. That is why cancer researchers encourage people to avoid foods that are processed. This is because you never really know what is being put into these kinds of food. When you look at the ingredients you can see various chemicals that you probably do not know how to pronounce. This is usually a sign of overly processed food.

Recently, a study has been done into the effects of indoor tanning on the body, especially in children and young adults. The results were not good and they indicated that the UV rays that were concentrated and targeted at the skin can result in a cancer diagnosis in the future. While the link is nothing major, it is definitely an indication that indoor tanning is not as safe as people may think. This is why it is a good idea to ensure that children, teens, and young adults (20's) avoid indoor tanning as much as possible. It is best to tan the natural way, with sun block and under the sun.

A recent study showed that a diet that is high in Vitamin C and Vitamin E can help reduce the chances of getting pancreatic cancer. Again, research varies over time, however it is always a good idea to take suggestions on board.

At the end of the day, the fight against cancer is going to be a long and constant one. There will always be more research to do both in the prevention side and the treatment side. That is why you should always do your best to remain knowledgeable about what is going on, as it could help save your life in the future.

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