CLA Can Help With Cancer
By Donald Willeyand Evelyn Willey
The human body is essentially a vessel that contains the organs and tissues that keep it healthy and functioning properly. The external and internal components of the body are subject to diseases that can cause heart failure, cancer and diabetes to name a few. The human body is susceptible to these diseases from the time of conception throughout its entire life. When left unchecked, these diseases can lead to serious disabilities and death. The majority of these diseases can occur with little or no warning at any time, necessitating the need for medical checkups by trained professionals.
The statistics on cancer are difficult to imagine. Cancer is the number two cause of death in the United States and there will be 1.5 million people diagnosed with some type of cancer this year. That is approximately 4,500 people a day, and every 60 seconds one American will lose their life to this disease. It can be said that cancer is an equal opportunity disease in that it does not discriminate due to age, sex, race, religion or social status. Though these numbers are appalling, according to the latest statistics they are getting better each year due to the advances being made in understanding the disease and medical advancements being discovered and developed. Early detection can be a deciding factor in the body's ability to fight this disease.
Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. In other words, a cancer is an uncontrolled proliferation of cells. It can be both external and internal to the body. Externally it can be caused by tobacco, chemicals, infectious organisms and radiation from the sun. Internally it can be caused by tobacco, genetics, immune system failure, hormones and mutations occurring from metabolism. Cancer is the name given to a group of more than 100 diseases. It is basically a group of diseases that have uncontrolled growth and create the abnormal growth of cells that if not controlled can result in death. These factors can act alone or join together to promote carcinogenesis (the production of cancer). The cancer that appears today most likely started ten or more years before when the body was originally exposed to its conditions.
Normal cells are designed to grow, divide and die. As a person grows older the cells in their body divide faster to support their growth. After a certain age, cells only divide to replace those that have died. When cells in the body start to grow out of control, cancer starts. All cancers begin in cells, the body's basic unit of life. In most cases cancer starts with the development of a mass or a tumor. Sometimes the orderly process of cells does not occur correctly and the genetic material of a cell can become damaged or changed. This produces mutations affecting normal cell growth and division. When this occurs, cells do not die when they should and new cells form that the body does not need. These new extra cells form a tissue called a mass or a tumor.
When not detected early, cancer can spread through tissues, the bloodstream and lymph systems to other areas of the body and develop new tumors. Cancer can even spread through the bones of the body. Lung cancer is at the top of the list of all internal cancers with over 200 thousand people a year being diagnosed with this disease. Smoking has been identified as being responsible for approximately 85% of these cases.
The list of cancers continues to cover all the areas of the body, including the brain. Some family's have a history of cancer which is passed from generation to generation while other cancers are not clearly connected to inherited genes. Cancer types differ in their behavior, growth rates and response to different treatments, making it necessary for trained professionals to act as guides and mentors through these troubled times.
Cancers in the United States account for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths. Studies have shown that 1/2 of all men and 1/3 of all women will develop some type of cancer during their lifetime and that there are millions of people who are living with cancer or have had cancer. Reducing the chances of developing cancer can be as easy as a change in a person's lifestyle. The earlier cancer is detected and treatment started increases the chances for living a long life.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a non-prescription all natural dietary supplement that has shown numerous health benefits. They include helping reduce body fat, increasing lean muscle mass, maintaining a healthy heart and arteries, a good mood and mental state, healthy skin and keeps cells working properly. It is the only known nutrient that enhances the immune system. CLA helps the body protect against cancer formulation and progression by inhibiting the growth of tumor cells and reduces the size of existing tumors. Because numerous studies indicate that oxidative reactions are associated with the development of cancer and atherosclerosis, CLA's ability to reduce the harmful effects of these oxidative reactions could be its most important health benefit.
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