Saturday, 9 February 2013

New Cancer Prevention Research

New Cancer Prevention Research

New Cancer Prevention Research
By Brittany Randolph

The thing about cancer is that there are always going to be new studies coming out with more information about how one can go about preventing cancer. The question in itself is a tough one, because there is no set formula for avoiding cancer. However, there are steps that one can take in their every day lives to reduce the statistical likelihood of being diagnosed with cancer. Over time, the amount of cancer research that is being done has ensured that these reports are more accurate than before. The best thing to do is to read up on recent research and attempt to incorporate those ideas into your life as best as possible.

Recently, research has been done that has shown how processed food and fast food can be directly related to the rise in cancer diagnoses over the past few years. The difficult thing with this statement is that it is almost impossible to know which foods are directly responsible. There might be some fast foods that are 100% not related to cancer, but there might be some that are. That is why cancer researchers encourage people to avoid foods that are processed. This is because you never really know what is being put into these kinds of food. When you look at the ingredients you can see various chemicals that you probably do not know how to pronounce. This is usually a sign of overly processed food.

Recently, a study has been done into the effects of indoor tanning on the body, especially in children and young adults. The results were not good and they indicated that the UV rays that were concentrated and targeted at the skin can result in a cancer diagnosis in the future. While the link is nothing major, it is definitely an indication that indoor tanning is not as safe as people may think. This is why it is a good idea to ensure that children, teens, and young adults (20's) avoid indoor tanning as much as possible. It is best to tan the natural way, with sun block and under the sun.

A recent study showed that a diet that is high in Vitamin C and Vitamin E can help reduce the chances of getting pancreatic cancer. Again, research varies over time, however it is always a good idea to take suggestions on board.

At the end of the day, the fight against cancer is going to be a long and constant one. There will always be more research to do both in the prevention side and the treatment side. That is why you should always do your best to remain knowledgeable about what is going on, as it could help save your life in the future.

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Inflammation Is the Cause of Most Every Disease

Inflammation Is the Cause of Most Every Disease

Inflammation Is the Cause of Most Every Disease
By Kristi S Tornabene

When we control inflammation, we can control what causes cells to over proliferate, causing cancer. Or when we manage inflammation so that we stay resistant to pathogens that cross our path; we can avoid the other causes of disease that inflammation causes, like Alzheimer's, and poly-cystic diseases of the kidney or lungs and more.

First by learning what causes us to gain weight, we will find which foods cause inflammation. Second, by managing our stress, we will learn how our stress hormones cause greater food intake and inflammation

Why do I, as a woman, think this is important? Because it has helped so many of my friends feel better. I know it is hard to believe that it is not portion control and exercise that makes the difference. I know I cannot portion control when I am still hungry! By feeding my body and cells, what they need to power themselves, is what causes me to be ABLE to portion control. I don't even crave sweets anymore. (Of course I did when I started at age 46... because I was still having those hormone cycles that caused me to be insatiable. As I aged.. I am 58 now, learning what to eat to feel full, and the slow change in hormones enabled me to manage my diet, so I didn't crave all the stuff that I thought I couldn't live without.

Now when I eat outside my "list" I still get too-o-o hungry and eat more. I am careful to eat as I have found what works to keep me satisfied. And More IMPORTANTLY, my colon moving without fits of starts and stops.

I know I am less inflamed, because I can keep my colon moving without digestive enzymes.

When you read the article about getting older is not about eating less, it is about enough nutrition. You will see, that my B Blood Type friends eat totally opposite of me, and yet we all manage to lose or maintain a weight, and have good blood chemistries. It is NOT ABOUT ONE THING WORKS FOR EVERYONE. We are individuals, with different likes and dislikes. We can learn to eat what is "good" for us, when we feel better. Sallie and I are good examples!

I encourage you to learn how to empower your body for the future; when you get older, you may want to know how your body works, and what will keep your colon moving, so you don't have to have any one help "pull" it out of you. I know that is gross.

Learn how to create a non-acidic environment to keep your bones strong. Being able to walk when you are older will help keep everything running smoothly.

Create a cellular barrier, so that bacteria, and viruses will not find an easy place to make your body a home. Fight lung and kidney diseases by creating a healthy environment, and they won't take hold. Learn what supplements will help with the fight until you are strong and sure enough to keep your body in top shape. (The best shape you can be for your age and genetics).

We even have cancer cell "identifiers" that can be ready to fight those cancer cells when they become "exposed".

Fighting disease with food, and immune support is the greatest thing, because we now have the tools and information to fight to the best of our ability.

For food information, and learning how to put food together to power your body opt in for the 10 keys to basic health (upgraded from the original 8) and health newsletters to get you started on the foods that will power your body to greater health.

I will help you: As an introduction to my coaching program, I am offering the first 10 clients a minimum of 4 months of one-on-one coaching for only $50.00 per person per month. Click today to receive your free 10 keys to basic health and your healthy newsletter tips

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4 Questions To Raise More Awareness About Cancer

4 Questions To Raise More Awareness About Cancer

4 Questions To Raise More Awareness About Cancer
By Liam Phillips

Ask anybody on the planet and they will have a point of view about cancer, whether it is breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer or any of the other 196 types of cancer. Most people have the point of view that it is a terrible thing and something that has to be fought against.

This is just my point of view, it is a little different.

What if fighting Cancer actually created more cancer reality?

One of the things that I have been increasingly aware of is that things like cancer are becoming more mainstream. It is becoming more the norm. As if disease is normal. A body in disease is not normal it is an irregularity and maybe sometimes with something that is irregular we need to look from a different point of view.

So let's look at cancer not from fighting it or from accepting it, but from a point of view that does not require one to have a charge.

I like to use question to open doors to exploring a different possibility, this is the technique that scientists use, they must question everything and never draw a conclusion. So with cancer what if we asked 4 little questions that could give us an awareness of a different possibility?

The first question is 'What is this?' Then have a cup of tea. Don't go looking for an answer, allow your brilliant mind to work on it by itself with out you trying to intervene or come to a conclusion.

The next question is 'What do I do with this?' And then have another cuppa. It may be a little while before something shows up that is different.

Then ask 'Can I change it?' And don't worry if it that is a 'no' at first. A 'no' is only good for 10 seconds. You can ask every day. Until a 'yes' comes up.

And finally you can ask 'How can I change it?' Once you have a 'yes' to changing it, this question will unlock the how. People and things will start to come in to your life that will show you a different possibility.

For all that to work with ease, you must first ask the questions and not have any preconceived idea of how that is going to show up. And second, allow things to unfold, don't try to force things into existence this creates fighting and of course charge that will add to the power of the cancer.

This is not a cure, this is not a management, it is not a fighting against or laying down and accepting it. It is an enquiry into a different possibility, perhaps to a totally different way of perceiving life and your body.

What if Cancer was not what everybody told you it was? What if it was something different? What if cancer was an awareness that you were not yet getting?

If this has been of interest to you then please visit my web site: and join me for a free teleclass in Mid September, what have you got to loose; cancer?

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Naturally Cure Your Cancer - The Truth You Haven't Heard

Naturally Cure Your Cancer - The Truth You Haven't Heard

Naturally Cure Your Cancer - The Truth You Haven't Heard
By Austin Miles

To heal and naturally cure your cancer on must look inward. How many grilled or charred meats do they eat on a regular basis. Do they smoke or not? Do you take a multivitamin, and do you have enough nutrients. These are all vital questions. You may hear around that the doctors and experts do not know what causes cancer, this is a lie. Experts have known for a long time what the natural cure for cancer is. This natural cure for cancer cannot be patented, that is why you have never heard about it. This article will touch on why a bit.

A man by the name of Max Gerson once live in Germany before the time of World War 2. Dr. Gerson was a simple man with three daughters and a wife.

As well as practicing medicine, Gerson worked a lot with nutritional therapy. While working with naturally cures and study what nutrients can do for the body, he would try and tackle tuberculosis with a nutrition based cure that he came up with. This nutritional therapy proved victorious upon healing his daughter from tuberculosis, as well as himself.

He later tried his therapy on a friend who also was stricken from the disease. His friend happen to be another doctor who had told him that if he could cure his tuberculosis that he would believe in everything he as doing.

By the time WWII would surface he would lose 7 brothers and sister to the Nazis. Ironic, for a man who can cheat death away from cancer would lose his people to something he could not cure.

Upon coming to America his struggles only started to begin. This man was stopped from opening us a practice to do what he did with nutrition. People have no idea how important a whole foods diet can be.

He came to America and was able to naturally cure cancer with his special form of nutrition therapy. This man was practically forced to open up a practice in this country. His life was threatening while he struggled to help people. He was also poisoned by someone close to him.

Max Gerson natural cure for cancer was not welcomed by everyone. The ones who stand to lose billions from finding and giving away the cure for cancer would not let him help people in this country.

To naturally cure your cancer is a crime in this country. Corporation want you to go to them for drugs or for harmful radiation therapy that doesn't cure anything.

You can naturally cure your cancer without poisonous drugs and radiation. People don't know that you can fight cancer from you home. Just because the treatment is not in a hospital doesn't mean it won't work.

Learn to naturally cure your cancer at home using no drugs or harmful radiation.

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Live Cancer Free - Going Natural For Dinner And Drinking Juice

Live Cancer Free - Going Natural For Dinner And Drinking Juice

Live Cancer Free - Going Natural For Dinner And Drinking Juice
By Austin Miles

Do you feel yourself searching to live cancer free? Living a free from this diseased life should be a concern for all of mankind. The knowledge on how to live like this should be available for everyone, but it hasn't been for some time. Luckily, the Internet now makes it possible for people to learn how to live cancer free once and for all.

Even living cancer free at an old age can be achieved if you have the discipline to do so. Many older people are very set in their ways and are very stubborn. People in all circumstances, don't want to give up the things they love in life. What they don't realize is if they don't give up the foods they love in life, soon they will have to give up everything else. It simple comes down to... the right diet... or nothing.

Having the doctor reveal that you are cancer free can be a great feeling. Free from all the worry and terror of this disease is a sense of security that many people do not have the luxury of having.

Mainstream outlets are starting to report that you can improve your chances of survival from this disease by eating a healthy diet. Not just healthy, but going for a plant based diet would be the best way to go. These are loaded with nutrients, minerals, and when losing weight the kind of carbs that you want to be eating. This subject used to be a bit taboo in the past.

Whole natural foods are the key to living cancer free. When you are going back to the Earth completely for your daily meals, your body is happier. It then has what it needs to make the necessary changes within the body.
Changes that heal, changes that you were unaware could go on inside the body.

To live free from this disease can help you to truly live. Surrounding yourself with natural, organic, gmo-free produce can work wonders on your digestive system, nervous system, and in practically every way around the body. Contrary to popular belief, this can also provide all the calcium your bones need.

Have you even tried "juicing" some meals. To live cancer free drinking great tasting fruit and vegetable juices can be a huge health boost. The carrot and apple juice might look like orange vomit in a glass, but the nutrients present are no laughing matter. Add a couple of pears for good measure and you will give yourself most of the nutrients you need from that meal. Combine juices throughout the day with other small fat burning meals, and you can start losing fast weight almost instantly.

When you choose to live cancer free, you adopt a new way of life. A cancer free and healthy way of life that can sustain your youthful livelihood as much as possible.

Learn to Live cancer free or good, and never fear any cancer again!. Get the natural cure and the truth!

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Familial Mediterranean Fever Overview

Familial Mediterranean Fever Overview

Familial Mediterranean Fever Overview
By Jon J.

The inherited ailment characterized by recurrent bouts of fever, inflammation, and pain in the chest, muscles and joints is known as familial Mediterranean fever. This rare disorder can be diagnosed early in life however, first signs of recurrent attacks usually occurs in the later teenage years. This disease generally effects those people originating within Armenia, Turkey and other surrounding Mediterranean regions. That being said, it can still affect those of different nationalities. While severity ranges from patient to patient, these recurrent episodes can last anywhere between a few hours up to 3 days.

Treating FMF
Colchicine is the drug used to treat familial Mediterranean fever. It has been proven to be the most effective form of treatment, helping to dramatically reduce episodic attacks and further complications for the majority of FMF sufferers. Without this prescribed drug, amyloidosis, better known as the build of amyloid protein, can occur throughout the organs and tissues of the body, resulting in the potential for kidney failure. It is best for FMF patients to use colchicine under the discretion of their physicians approval.

Here are some other names individuals use for Familial Mediterranean Fever:

  • FMF
  • Periodic Peritonitis
  • MEF
  • Reimann Periodic Disease
  • Wolff Periodic Disease
  • Recurrent Polyserositis
  • Mediterranean Fever, Familial
  • Siegal-Cattan-Mamou Disease
  • Periodic Disease

The Gene Associated With Periodic Peritonitis
The MEFV gene helps regulate inflammation and produces the pyrin protein found in white blood cells. Mutations of this gene cause FMF by reducing the amount of protein pyrin produced, which interferes with the regulation of inflammation and signaling white blood cells to injury sites. Symptoms and attacks including muscle, joint, abdominal pain and fever are a result of prolonged inflammatory response.

FMF Inheritance
Both gene copies in cells will have mutations in order for someone to be diagnosed with familial Mediterranean fever. In other words, while both parents of a child obtaining an autosomal recessive condition carry a copy of the gene mutation without showing any symptoms of the condition, it is typically inherited in an autosomal recessive form. There are other cases where this condition can be inherited in various forms including an autosomal recessive inheritance and an autosomal dominant pattern.

A healthy body can fight off cancer cells and when the body can control or manage inflammation or is capable of resisting pathogens, diseases and cancers can be avoided. If you feel your suffering from inflammation, make sure to consult your nearest physician to learn more about your current condition.

Familial Mediterranean fever is a very rare disease that can affect males and females starting at a very young age. To learn more about the symptoms, genes involved, and treatment methods, take a look at, now!

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Stomach Cancer Signs and Symptoms - When to Seek Cancer Treatment?

Stomach Cancer Signs and Symptoms - When to Seek Cancer Treatment?

Stomach Cancer Signs and Symptoms - When to Seek Cancer Treatment?
By Seth Jiang

Stomach cancer is associated with many signs and symptoms. Unfortunately, some of these symptoms don't effectively alert patients, who often pass them off as passing discomforts and minor health problems. This makes cancer very difficult to diagnose. Some of the common stomach cancer signs and symptoms include:

• Indigestion
• Stomach pain or discomfort
• Bloating
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Loss of appetite
• Heartburn

These symptoms are linked to several other diseases, some of which are not as serious as cancer. Sometimes, the symptoms are also very mild and can even disappear for some time. Thus, it is easy to understand why some people fail to seek medical attention and only find out about their illness when the cancer has already progressed.

However, if a person misses these early symptoms, they are usually followed by more severe ones, such as:

• Bloody stools
• Sudden weight loss
• Fatigue
• Moderate to severe stomach pain

If the early symptoms are identified, however, they can be managed, and cancer specialists can help the patient deal with these more serious symptoms. In many cases where the cancer is diagnosed early, the pain and discomfort can be minimized. However, if a patient only seeks medical attention when the symptoms are already severe, he may have to suffer a lot of these more serious symptoms, leading to a lot of pain and discomfort. This will lower the quality of the patient's life and may render him unable to do even simple everyday activities.

If you go to a cancer specialist complaining of symptoms that suggest stomach cancer, your doctor will check you first for digestive problems. A gastroenterologist may be brought in to check your case. Cancer is usually avoided as a diagnosis until other possible problems have been ruled out or until actual evidence of the cancer can be found in tests. These tests will include blood testing and other laboratory tests including:

• Physical exam, to check for swelling, fluid, or other abnormalities in your abdomen
• Endoscopy, to check the esophagus and stomach with the use of a thin, lighted tube
• Biopsy, in which some tissue is removed from the stomach to check if cancer cells are present

Be prepared to answer questions regarding your personal health history. And since cancer is sometimes associated by genetic factors, you will also be asked about your family's health history.

As a patient, you will also be given time to ask your own questions, especially with regards to the tests you will be put under.

If stomach cancer is diagnosed, the next step is to determine the stage at which the cancer is. This is necessary in determining the best treatment plan for you. In stomach cancer, the process of staging will determine how deeply the tumor has invaded the stomach wall, whether the tumor has invaded the tissues nearby, and whether the cancer has spread from the stomach to other parts of the body. Then your cancer specialist will discuss the possible treatment options with you for your recovery and symptoms management.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou provides cancer diagnosis, treatment, and management of stomach cancer signs and symptoms for patients of stomach cancer.

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Facts About Metastatic Cancer

Facts About Metastatic Cancer

Facts About Metastatic Cancer
By Sanjita Chouhan

The process by which cancer spreads from its original location to another part of the body is called Metastasis. Cancerous cells found in a different organ of an individual can also be similar to the original manifestation in terms of some proteins and chromosomal variations. For instance, Colon cancer that spreads to the Lungs is actually the extended Colon cancer and not Lung cancer. Despite its propensity to spread to different parts of the body, cancer tends to spread to one site more often than others. If properly treated, Metastasis can be cured in some cases but sadly it is mostly fatal. The regimen that is available can only prolong life for months or maybe a year or two.

Common Metastasis sites for different cancer types are identifiable. They usually spread from the breast to the lungs and then to the liver and bones or from the colon to the liver, peritoneum and the lungs.

The various stages of Metastasis-
• Local invasion of cancer cells on normal nearby tissue
• Intravasation, where they enter nearby lymph or blood vessels
• Circulation through Lymphatic system and Bloodstream to other body parts
• Arrest and Extravasations of distant capillaries to move into surrounding tissues
• Proliferation of small tumors called Micrometastases
• Angiogenesis or stimulation of new blood vessels for continued tumor growth

All cancer cells cannot metastasize even if they succeed in reaching another location in the body. At times they can lie dormant and revitalize after years. Metastasis can be found out through X-rays, CT Scan or MRI.

Metastasis symptoms-
• Bone cancer is painful and often results in fractures.
• Lung Metastasis is characterized by shortness of breath.
• Liver Metastasis can lead to abdominal swelling or jaundice.
• An affected Brain can cause headaches, seizures and unsteadiness.
• Sometimes original Prostate cancer is itself detected after Bone Metastasis causes lower back pain.

Treatment for Metastatic Cancer-

Chemotherapy, Biological, Targeted or Hormonal therapy, Surgery and Radiation or a combination of these treatments is known to provide relief to patients. Treatment is provided after bringing into account a lot of considerations such as the type of primary cancer, size, number and location of metastatic tumors, patient's age, his general health and the types of illness he has had in the past. However, even after treatment is provided it is possible for a person to be diagnosed with cancer a second time. It can be a new primary cancer but most often it is Metastatic Cancer. In some cases it happens that primary cancer may not be identified even when the symptoms of Metastatic Cancer are evident. Even in such cases there is hope for effective treatment.

Cure for cancer-

In the early stages, cancer is curable, but when it turns metastatic the patient's life is pushed to the edge. Suzanne Lindley was told in 1998, she had six months to live with colon cancer that had metastasized into the liver. 14 years later, she goes about her daily chores; aligned with an emerging group that has fought the disease effectively. She has survived like other member because they responded well to targeted therapies, drug combinations, surgical options and various radiation treatments. There will be others who will join this outfit with a research backing, which is actively transforming successful clinical trials into life giving models to transform the crab of a zodiac sign, cancer into livid individuals.

Sanjita Chouhan is a passionate writer. She loves to write informative articles on various health issues

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Symptoms of Stomach Cancer People Are Likely to Ignore

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer People Are Likely to Ignore

Symptoms of Stomach Cancer People Are Likely to Ignore
By Seth Jiang

Many people don't listen to their bodies and are therefore not informed early of any illnesses they may already have. Worse yet, some people even ignore the signs and symptoms their bodies use to warn them of any health problems they may have. This is one of the most common reasons why many stomach cancer patients don't get a second chance in life. When the symptoms come, they mostly ignore them, and thus only find out about their cancer too late.

Admittedly, however, some of the symptoms of stomach cancer are really difficult to identify. Some are so common and mild that many people really tend to ignore them. Thus, it is important to know the cancer symptoms that commonly get overlooked.

Stomach Cancer Symptoms That Go Unnoticed

1. Stomachache or stomach upsets. Many people suffer from stomach upsets every single day. Thus, it is understandable that, although it is also a cancer symptom, most people don't jump to cancer fears after experiencing a stomachache. The key here is to take notice of three things.

First, can you attribute your stomachache to any digestive problem? If it is unexplained, then it pays to have it checked.

Second, what kind of pain is it? Although most people simply feel pain, there are in fact many different types of pain. Pain caused by cancer is usually a dull ache that presses inwardly. The position of the pain can also give you an idea of where the problem is coming from.

Third, how long does the stomachache last? If it is persistent or if it keeps coming back, it is best to get an ultrasound. Finding a stomach tumor early can spell a huge difference in terms of treatment and chances of recovery.

2. Acid stomach. One of the earliest symptoms of stomach cancer is an acid stomach, or the tendency to feel so full even after a small meal or even when you have not eaten much. Usually attributed simply to the feeling of fullness, or to indigestion, people simply let their acid stomach pass or take antacids for them. Most of the time, it really is just indigestion or overeating, but if you notice yourself getting bouts of acid stomach very often and even without eating much, then there is reason to be concerned.

3. Unexplained weight loss. Many people would welcome weight loss, so when they do begin losing weight rather drastically, they usually don't get alarmed. But if you find yourself suddenly losing weight after trying so hard without getting results, this means your weight loss is out of the ordinary. Unexplained weight loss is an early symptom of stomach cancer. Usually, the cancer in the stomach affects your body's ability to digest food and thus affects your appetite negatively.

Any unusual and surprisingly fast loss of weight, when not accompanied by a change in diet or exercise routines, should be brought to the attention of a doctor.

Advanced Symptoms of Stomach Cancer

Many people only start taking notice of what their bodies are telling them when they experience the more telltale symptoms, such as blood in the stool, vomiting, vomiting blood, and weakness or fatigue. These more serious symptoms are indicative of an advanced stage cancer, and by then, it might already be too late to seek effective treatment.

Thus, it is most important to give your body the credit it deserves. Pay attention when you experience anything unusual, as your body may already be telling you something. The earliest, mildest, and most common symptoms of stomach cancer are actually the most important, as how you react to them may just save your life.

Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou is a specialized cancer hospital in Guangzhou, China. It is fully equipped in the most advanced techniques for the correct diagnosis, best treatment, and effective management of symptoms of stomach cancer.

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Diagnosis and Treatment of Stomach Cancer

Diagnosis and Treatment of Stomach Cancer

Diagnosis and Treatment of Stomach Cancer
By Paul M Choi

The stomach is a J-shaped organ of the digestive tract that connects the esophagus to the intestinal tract. Stomach or gastric cancer is a cancerous growth that occurs in the lining of this stomach. It is an extremely common problem worldwide, with over 1 million individuals succumbing to this illness each year. Factors leading to this illness include infection by Helicobacter pylori, eating salty and smoked food, and smoking.

The diagnosis of gastric cancer often involves an upper endoscopy, an examination of the stomach using an instrument called gastroscope that enables an evaluation of the inner lining of the stomach as well as taking a biopsy or sampling of cancer tissue. Once the diagnosis is made, the initial determination of the extent of cancer is made using a radiologic examination called CT scan. In addition, routine blood tests including complete blood count (CBC), and liver function tests, as well as chest X-ray are obtained during the initial evaluation.

There are 4 stages of stomach cancer. The most important determinants in cancer staging is the extent of wall invasion and involvement of lymph node, tiny bean-shaped glands of lymphatic system. Broadly speaking, in Stage 1, the cancer is mostly confined to the lining of the stomach, with or without nearby lymph nodes. In Stage 2, the cancer tissue has invaded the additional layers of stomach wall. In Stage 3, the cancer tissue has penetrated the entire thickness of the stomach wall and may have spread to nearby organs such as the liver. In Stage 4 stomach cancer, the cancer has spread to distant organs.

The staging of stomach cancer is important since the prognosis of affected individual is highly dependent on the staging of cancer. In fact, patients with the stage 1 cancer have a 5 year survival rate of 71%, compared to only 4% for those with stage 4 cancer.

The treatment of stomach cancer depends mainly on the stage, size, and location of the tumor, as well as the overall health of the affected individual. Treatment options may include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Surgery is usually curative in stage 1 stomach cancer. In more advanced cancer, a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy may be utilized. Commonly used chemotherapeutic agents include 5-FU, adriamycin, mitomycin, and cisplatin. In addtion, some patients may benefit from a new class of cancer therapy such as Herceptin.

Following these treatments, it is important that affected patients are carefully followed to monitor for relapses and recurrences. Thus, periodic evaluations including routine blood test, CT scan and upper endoscopy are strongly recommended.

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The Big "SEE": Ten Eye-Opening Life Lessons Learned From Cancer

The Big "SEE": Ten Eye-Opening Life Lessons Learned From Cancer

The Big "SEE": Ten Eye-Opening Life Lessons Learned From Cancer
By Janet Jacobsen

My diagnosis of uterine cancer over 3 years ago created an 'emerge and see' situation, forcing me to emerge to a higher perspective and see clearly what I needed to do to save and enrich my life. Cancer, like any life calamity, is a wake-up call. It opened my eyes in many profound ways -- that's why I call it The Big See! Here are the top ten things cancer has helped me see more clearly:

1. I see that it's natural to feel fear about cancer. Cancer is scary. When I try to rise above my feelings, that just positions me better for them to bite me in the butt. Feelings deserve to be heard and honored. Instead of sitting on my feelings, I sit my feelings on my lap like a child and let them speak to me. Once they're held and heard they start to relax and move through. Emotion is energy in motion.

2. I see that even though my mind always told me that I'm the biggest scaredy cat in the world, what I've actually discovered is that I am someone who has the courage to be present with my worst fears, one breath at a time, one foot in front of the other. We have more courage and spirit than we know. When first confronted with adversity, it can seem that life has turned on us; but instead it has turned us ON! It has turned on the big, bright, luminous light of our soul, igniting our courage and strength, inspiring us to put on our big soul panties and deal with it.

3. I see that my experience with cancer has catapulted me into the here and now, helping me to value this moment and cherish life. With time possibly limited, I am motivated to deeply immerse myself in the present moment, savoring it like delicious candy, and to my great delight, time has stretched like taffy into a sweet eternal Nooow!

4. I see that when worries are nipping at my heels, that's a reminder to take a deep breath, surrender, trust, align with spirit, and ease into that state of grace place where everything works out. Being in a state of grace is being in the flow where synchronicity occurs, coincidences happen, just the right people, books, and events present themselves, and things work out better than I can imagine. It is the realm of unlimited possibilities. It is my "Trust" fund, which I have access to at any time.

5. I see that when our world is blown apart, we are freed from the safety and inertia of the familiar, and are challenged to make changes, take risks, and follow our hearts desire. Cancer has transformed my "someday" dreams into "today is the day, now is the time." There are many stories of people whose illness has completely healed once they started following their bliss and living a purposeful life.

6. I see that my ego and my soul have very different agendas: my souls passionate agenda is to learn and grow and evolve my consciousness, while my ego's agenda is to have fun and avoid suffering. When cancer came a calling, my ego wailed in a Mr. Bill whine, "Oh Noooooo. Not another learning opportunity!" My spirit said, "Oh Yeah! Another opportunity to grow! Bring it on!" My ego moaned, "We are in deep doodoo!" My spirit exalted, "Rich compost, yay!" Ego scolded, "Now we've gone and done it... our fear has drawn the cancer to us!" Spirit exclaims, "Cool, cancer! It will help us come face to face with fear, feel it fully, and make friends with it!" Ego wants to run for the hills and be safe. Spirit wants to fly like an eagle as high as it can go, fully experiencing life, including fear. In times of crisis our frightened ego may feel like the sky is falling, yet our awakened spirit remembers, "I am the sky."

7. I see that my thoughts can create heaven or hell, depending on where I'm choosing to dwell. I choose to see that cancer has composted a rich and fertile soil for me, from which is sprouting creativity, inspiration, love, and learning.

8. I see that when I focus on deep breathing it boosts my immune system, activates the lymphatic system, triggers the relaxation response, and energizes and enlivens me. When I'm fully breathing, I'm fully alive. When I'm shallow breathing, I'm shallowly alive. As Elizabeth Barrett Browning said, "He lives most life whoever breathes most air."

9. I see that as I'm facing my fear of death, I'm embracing it, rather than bracing against it. Leonard Cohen wrote, "If you don't become the ocean you'll be seasick every day." When I come into harmony with all that floats and flounders about in my ocean, I am at peace. AND, since what you resist persists, maybe now that I'm no longer resisting death, it won't be persisting!

10. I see that Love is the answer - loving my family and friends, loving what is, loving all my feelings about what is, loving myself for not loving what is. It's all about love. The energy of love is tremendously healing, it boosts the immune system, and it just plain feels good. The word 'heal' literally means 'to become whole'. As I love every part of me, including cancer, I become whole.

For me, cancer created a rebirth that's grabbed me by the ankles, turned me upside down, and spanked me vividly alive! I'm seeing the world through brand new baby eyes. Cancer has been an illuminating, eye-opening, I-opening Big See!

How about you - in what ways have your life calamities opened your eyes and enriched your life?

Janet Jacobsen
Author of the book Oh No, Not Another 'Growth' Opportunity! An Inspirational Cancer Journey With Humor, Heart, and Healing

If you or someone you know is coping with cancer or other life challenges, you can read more of Janet Jacobsen's FREE, inspirational, entertaining, and informative essays, as well as the first 4 chapters of her book, at to

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How Is Cancer Treated?

How Is Cancer Treated?

How Is Cancer Treated?
By Andrew G Crawford

The question "how is cancer treated" is certainly an important one in today's society of seemingly endless forms of this disease. Luckily though this question can be answered to a certain point, but there is still no "sure fire way" to 100%, guarantee success, but there is still much we can do.

We often hear stories of people who have beaten the disease using all kinds of different methods, whether it was using conventional medicine or one of the many so called "alternative" methods people ARE able to cure their cancer and are doing so.

Alternative medicine, in their many forms, is fast becoming very popular in today's society, as more and more people are reporting success with them.

So, how is cancer treated? Research shows that foods high in "antioxidants" can certainly help rid your body of cancer causing substances, these can be simple foods like fresh fruit and vegetables, to over the counter vitamin supplements, to some types of herbs, which some cultures have been using for literally thousands of years. Then there is the obvious preventative measures we can all take, these include, getting enough exercise, avoiding smoking, alcohol and foods which contain artificial additives.

With this research, it's starting to become fairly apparent that simply by leading a generally healthy, active lifestyle and paying attention to what food we put into our bodies and maybe adding a few of those all important "antioxidant" foods along the way is the best way to keep cancer and other diseases at bay.

The old saying of "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" certainly has deep implications. After all, who really wants to go through chemotherapy once you have cancer? But even if you have contracted cancer these methods can still prove useful to help you recover.

Many people who have cancer take their doctors advise blindly and proceed down the path of horribly powerful drugs which can make them feel worse while not actually curing their cancer, but certainly keeping the doctors and pharmaceutical companies pockets full of your money.

When you start to understand how your body works and the importance of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals you will start to realize alternative medicines are not just a gimmick but help your BODY fight the disease by boosting your immune system.

Your bodies ability to cure disease is far more powerful than you realize, but only if it's at full strength.

How is cancer treated? Before going down the mainstream path just because it is the "mainstream" path, why not try an "alternative" or what I would prefer to call a "commonsense" path and find a method which sounds good for you, try boosting up that immune system and fight disease the best way nature knows how.

Lastly, with all sincerity, if you or someone else you know has cancer in one form or another, I wish you all the very best in your recovery.

For an excellent way to find out how is cancer treated which many people have had success with, go to, to find out how. Try this alternative or "commonsense" method for yourself, it's your choice, it may save you a great deal of money and personal hardship by possibly sparing you from "mainstream" treatment.

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CLA Can Help With Cancer

CLA Can Help With Cancer

CLA Can Help With Cancer
By Donald Willeyand Evelyn Willey

The human body is essentially a vessel that contains the organs and tissues that keep it healthy and functioning properly. The external and internal components of the body are subject to diseases that can cause heart failure, cancer and diabetes to name a few. The human body is susceptible to these diseases from the time of conception throughout its entire life. When left unchecked, these diseases can lead to serious disabilities and death. The majority of these diseases can occur with little or no warning at any time, necessitating the need for medical checkups by trained professionals.

The statistics on cancer are difficult to imagine. Cancer is the number two cause of death in the United States and there will be 1.5 million people diagnosed with some type of cancer this year. That is approximately 4,500 people a day, and every 60 seconds one American will lose their life to this disease. It can be said that cancer is an equal opportunity disease in that it does not discriminate due to age, sex, race, religion or social status. Though these numbers are appalling, according to the latest statistics they are getting better each year due to the advances being made in understanding the disease and medical advancements being discovered and developed. Early detection can be a deciding factor in the body's ability to fight this disease.

Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. In other words, a cancer is an uncontrolled proliferation of cells. It can be both external and internal to the body. Externally it can be caused by tobacco, chemicals, infectious organisms and radiation from the sun. Internally it can be caused by tobacco, genetics, immune system failure, hormones and mutations occurring from metabolism. Cancer is the name given to a group of more than 100 diseases. It is basically a group of diseases that have uncontrolled growth and create the abnormal growth of cells that if not controlled can result in death. These factors can act alone or join together to promote carcinogenesis (the production of cancer). The cancer that appears today most likely started ten or more years before when the body was originally exposed to its conditions.

Normal cells are designed to grow, divide and die. As a person grows older the cells in their body divide faster to support their growth. After a certain age, cells only divide to replace those that have died. When cells in the body start to grow out of control, cancer starts. All cancers begin in cells, the body's basic unit of life. In most cases cancer starts with the development of a mass or a tumor. Sometimes the orderly process of cells does not occur correctly and the genetic material of a cell can become damaged or changed. This produces mutations affecting normal cell growth and division. When this occurs, cells do not die when they should and new cells form that the body does not need. These new extra cells form a tissue called a mass or a tumor.

When not detected early, cancer can spread through tissues, the bloodstream and lymph systems to other areas of the body and develop new tumors. Cancer can even spread through the bones of the body. Lung cancer is at the top of the list of all internal cancers with over 200 thousand people a year being diagnosed with this disease. Smoking has been identified as being responsible for approximately 85% of these cases.

The list of cancers continues to cover all the areas of the body, including the brain. Some family's have a history of cancer which is passed from generation to generation while other cancers are not clearly connected to inherited genes. Cancer types differ in their behavior, growth rates and response to different treatments, making it necessary for trained professionals to act as guides and mentors through these troubled times.

Cancers in the United States account for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths. Studies have shown that 1/2 of all men and 1/3 of all women will develop some type of cancer during their lifetime and that there are millions of people who are living with cancer or have had cancer. Reducing the chances of developing cancer can be as easy as a change in a person's lifestyle. The earlier cancer is detected and treatment started increases the chances for living a long life.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a non-prescription all natural dietary supplement that has shown numerous health benefits. They include helping reduce body fat, increasing lean muscle mass, maintaining a healthy heart and arteries, a good mood and mental state, healthy skin and keeps cells working properly. It is the only known nutrient that enhances the immune system. CLA helps the body protect against cancer formulation and progression by inhibiting the growth of tumor cells and reduces the size of existing tumors. Because numerous studies indicate that oxidative reactions are associated with the development of cancer and atherosclerosis, CLA's ability to reduce the harmful effects of these oxidative reactions could be its most important health benefit.

Evelyn and Don are co-owners of Ladies Hair Care By ED where they offer all natural organic and herbal products that have been selected to satisfy their customers needs. Contact them at and discover what they have for your hair, health and skin. CLA Capsules

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The Question Still Remains: Is There a Cure for Cancer?

The Question Still Remains: Is There a Cure for Cancer?

The Question Still Remains: Is There a Cure for Cancer?
By Brian Pankau

There are well over 100 different types and varieties of cancers that are known today, and some may not have been found yet as well. A cancer in general is an abnormal class of disease in which cellular growth gets out of control. This happens because cells multiply and divide too quickly causing the formation of tumors, which are masses or lumps that interfere with many different body organs and change the amount of hormones released as well. The classification of a cancer depends on what cell has been affected at the start of the abnormal growth.

What Exactly Causes Cancer?

There is still plenty of research to be found on what exactly causes specific cancers, but there has been some progress in finding out what has caused some cancers to all of a sudden appear into existence. The way researchers have come to find the causations for cancer is through behavioral studies such as smoking. Cigarettes contain cancerous toxins that can cause cancer to form in the lungs, mouth, and throat. Excessive alcohol can cause liver cancer, and both of these can possibly be prevented by stopping now.

Another harmful chemical known to cause cancer is found in car exhaust, which is why many state officials are pressing for more regulatory actions on harmful pollutants being released in the air. Even obesity is a known factor that is related to cancer formation, and this is becoming a very wide spread issue across the world. However, cancer is still a touchy subject because even those who are healthy and fit still seem to catch this deadly disease.

Causes of many different cancers include:

• Radiation
• Benzene
• Aflatoxins, and other environmental toxins
• Genetics
• Viruses

These are only a handful of the causes, but are the primary ones to worry about that can happen to most anybody. Symptoms can include diarrhea, yellowing of the skin, lumps under the skin, anemia, headaches, and too many more to place into a list. These symptoms are found in most any simple cold or fever, and that is why sometimes cancer is not found to be the problem until it has spread uncontrollably.

The Cure for Cancer

Sadly, there has yet to be any findings on an actual cure for cancer. The United States received $16 billion for the research and development on cancer, but this has lead for some researchers to acknowledge the fact that there may not be any specific, 100%, cure that is to come around in the next decade or so. Cancer scientist and oncologist agree that there is only a definite hope for prevention and coexistence with the cancer, opposed to the complete wonder cure that many are desperately hoping for. Maybe there is one soon to be found, but until then other steps are being taken instead of waiting.

Cancer Treatment

Treatment is something used to help lessen the effects of cancer and potentially get rid of the cancer for good, but it is only a possibility and should not be considered as the cure. The way medical professionals precede with a treatment is by hormone and gene therapy, chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, and basic surgery to remove the cancerous cells and tumors.

Surgery is the easiest treatment for cancer that has not spread from the area of growth. The surgeon simply cuts out the infected area, and removes the cells that may be possibly infected around the growth as well. This is commonly performed for beginning stages in breast and testicular cancer.

Radiation is used to focus high powers of energy that causes the cells to destroy themselves. Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to treat cancer, but can cause hair loss, nausea, and fatigue. The intent of chemotherapy is to again cause the cancer cells to commit "suicide". Immunotherapy is used to boost the body's immune system to allow it to fight back the production of cancerous cells. Hormone therapy is used for further along stages in cancers such as breast cancer, which it takes hormones to control the growth of these cancerous cells.

As Research Continues...

Try to keep the fight against cancer up by simply following preventive measures, which can help stop many cancers from forming. Do not stand in the sun for long periods, especially without sunscreen. Quit smoking and excessively drinking, and eat healthier foods that are low fat and with plenty of fruits and vegetables. Researchers are constantly still trying to find a cure all over the world, including the American Cancer Society.

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Drinking Water And Cancer

Drinking Water And Cancer

Drinking Water And Cancer
By Douglas Hoover

Prior to starting 40 day fast on distilled water, I made an appointment with my doctor at the VA medical Center in La Jolla, California. At first, the doctor was much opposed to a 40 day fast, and especially on nothing but distilled water, commenting on its lack of minerals and electrolytes. But I explained to her:

  • that I have been fasting every year for over 40 years
  • that I have never been sick or been to a doctor or taken medicine
  • that on this fast I decided to include 1oz of liquid vitamins and 2 oz of liquid protein
  • that I planned to exercise daily at a spa.

Upon hearing this, the doctor seemed to be a little more amenable, especially after viewing the lab results of my blood cells, cholesterol levels and blood pressure. She was amazed to discover that at age 65, I seemed to have the "heart of a 25-year-old" and the results of my blood test were "exceptional."

She asked me why I was drinking distilled water as opposed to any other type. Curious about why she asked, I was prompted to ask what type she drank. I was not surprised to hear that she and her family drink San Diego's tap water. My next question to her was, "Do you have any idea of how many pollutants are present in San Diego's municipal drinking water?" The doctor immediately retorted, "if it wasn't safe to drink, I'm sure they would let us know." By the time I finished sharing with her what I knew about the chemicals and carcinogens (all at "safe levels," according to the EPA) regardless of the so-called good minerals and electrolytes, as well as water and its relationship to health, she was considering a reverse osmosis filter.

It is common knowledge that most medical doctors are not taught about water and its relationship to health in medical school. This is a small example of the serious problem we have with regard to the ignorance of Americans in trusting the government regarding our health. Regardless of where you live, if you were to call up your local water utility and ask them if there are any dangerous chemicals or carcinogens in the municipal drinking water, they would say, yes, several, but they are all at safe levels. When I drink water, I would like to think that it is H2O plus nothing: pure, clean and healthy. I do not want to be concerned with many dangerous, cancer-causing substances at "safe" levels.

Fortunately, many communities across the U.S. are voicing concerns about the potential and known links between the chemicals found in municipal water and cancer. Even though water utility companies are required by law to follow specific guidelines with regard to the levels of cancer-causing chemicals, there is much debate on what exactly are "safe levels." As a result of much public concern, new laws have been enacted requiring water utilities to publish the results of their water testing every year for public review. Therein lies the problem: virtually no one reads these reports or, for that matter, even know they exist, let alone have knowledge of the situation. Consequently, the general public continues to drink water that is by no means healthy or safe.

A glass of city water is not going to kill you or give you cancer any more than one cigarette will give you cancer; it is that cigarette after cigarette after cigarette. or glass after glass after glass of tap water.

One of the most serious cancer-causing chemicals found in our tap water was put there by the water utility company, "for our safety and health." Chlorine is widely known to cause cancer in humans, yet it is the safest chemical available to control water-borne diseases. Not only is chlorine a carcinogen, but when it comes in contact with humic acid (decayed plant and animal matter), it creates gases such as Trihalomethanes:

  • Chlorodibromomethane
  • Chloroform
  • Bromoform
  • Lodoform
  • Dichlorobromomethane
  • Fluoroform
  • Chlorodifluoromethane

Now, as a result of adding one cancer-causing substance, chlorine, we have eight carcinogens which are linked to rectal, bladder and pancreatic cancers. Yet another chemical added to our water for our health and well-being, fluoride, has also been determined to cause cancer. The national toxicology program study found that fluoride is linked to cancers affecting the pharynx, mouth and rectum. Another study published in the Journal of Environmental Pathology, Toxicology and Oncology found fluoride directly linked to a rare bone disease, osteosarcoma.

Most people are aware that there are hundreds of chemicals being released into the environment every year and none of these are being tested to determine whether or not they cause cancer in humans, or at what specific level are they deemed to be safe. With thousands of chemicals found in our nation's water and food supplies, imagine what astronomical combination of compound chemicals could be created exponentially. If the result of combining chlorine with humic acid can create eight carcinogens, then what can the result be of mixing hundreds of unknown chemicals on the environment or our bodies?

No water utility has the ability or technology to remove this soup of potentially hazardous chemicals from our water supplies. Keep in mind that this is true with most bottled water companies, the majority of which obtain the water they bottle from the same source as the water utility.

Conclusion: many experts believe that the majority of disease in the world today comes from our drinking water in combination with dehydration (not drinking enough water). So if you want to live healthier and longer, drink plenty of pure, clean, healthy distilled or purified water.

Douglas Hoover is an author, free-lance writer for News Papers and magazines with his column. "Lets Talk Health" the same name as his radio program- specializing in water and its relationship to health. Douglas Hoover is on record for introducing the very first bottled water vending machine, in Bill's IGA grocery store in Brooklyn MI in 1976- 7years before Glacier Water Vending (1983), Learn more at: and Buy Doug's latest #1 Best Seller: "Distilled Water and Health" A Match Made In Heaven-

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Fertility Preservation Options For Men And Women

Fertility Preservation Options For Men And Women

Fertility Preservation Options For Men And Women
By Grace E Henderson

Being diagnosed with cancer can be very painful especially for young women who dream to bear children in the future. Every so often, cancer treatments affect a person's capacity to conceive. In women, those who are undergoing cancer treatment before the age of thirty have the best possibility of becoming pregnant after cancer cure. Good news for young women who stop menstruating for the duration of cancer treatment, regularly after they stop chemotherapy, they'll start having periods again.

In men, infertility issues can happen as well. At times, men are recommended to undergo surgery to remove the affected area of his body. Testicular surgery, testicle removal, prostate or bladder surgery and any type of surgery that interferes with ejaculation can affect man's ability to procreate. In addition, hormonal therapies used to manage prostate or other cancers can have a negative effect on man's fertility.

Fertility preservation has helped cancer patients maintain their fertility, or capability to produce offspring. Before undergoing cancer treatment, it is important for the health care provider to provide options to the patient regarding fertility preservation. Discussing fertility options carefully with the health care provider can ease concern about whether the patient can still bear children in the future.

Often, doctors would discuss with the patients the risks involved and success rates of the fertility preservation methods. Married couples or individuals in a relationship considering children in the future should weigh in the cons and pros of treatment.

The most common fertility preservation methods in women include embryo freezing, ovarian transposition, radical trachelectomy and fertility sparing surgical procedure. Diem Brown, star of MTV's Real World/Road Rules "Challenge" series was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. At age 23, she had her first ovary removed including part of her fallopian tubes and several lymph nodes. Now, at age 30, she is facing the same dilemma. She needs to have her second and last ovary removed. But before she does, she opt to undergo fertility preservation methods like egg freezing because she has plans to conceive in the distant future.

In men, available fertility preservation procedures include sperm banking and radiation shielding. These procedures are to be done prior to cancer treatments to have a better success of maintaining fertility.

Dealing with cancer and the possibility of becoming infertile can be a very distressing moment for both men and women. Before undergoing cancer treatment, patients are advised to consult with their health care provider about the different fertility preservation available. Certainly, these treatments are not cheap. Those who cannot afford to pay for treatment can look for sponsoring events that are in the business of raising funds in help those in need of fertility preservation procedures but unfortunately unable to pay for the treatment.

Read more about Fertility Preservation for Cancer Patients here.

Visit IVF HELP to learn more about Reproductive health, fertility issues, treatments available, updates and other information

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Prevention For Cancer

Prevention For Cancer

Prevention For Cancer
By Andrew G Crawford

In this article I will be giving you a list of cancer preventing/curing foods with a VERY short explanation about each one, short because there are just so many out there and this article would be just too long if I gave complete explanations for each food type. Your doctor prescribed drugs my be the way you are used to hearing about preventing and curing cancer but research from all over the world is showing us, in abundance, the best prevention for cancer lies in your everyday foods, namely fresh fruits and vegetables.

These include:

  • Avocadoes: contains a compound calledglutathione, an antioxidant that blocks your intestines from absorbing certain free radical containing fats.

  • Cauliflower: cabbage, and broccoli: contains indole-3-carbinol, converts a certain cancer causing estrogen into a more protective variety, helping to protect against breast cancer.

  • Carrots: contain large quantities of beta-carotene, protects the body from a wide variety of cancers.

  • Jalapeno peppers and chilies: these contain "capsaicin" helps protect against stomach cancers.

  • Figs: contain benzaldehyde, helps to reduce size of tumors.

  • Flax: contains an antioxidant referred to as "lignans" this is known to help suppress cancerous changes in the body, also rich in omega 3.

  • Garlic: so many benefits, boosts the manufacture is immune cells to fight all kinds of disease and breaks down cancer causing substances.

  • Grapefruits: like most citrus fruits, all contain monoterpenes, a compound believed to help rid the body of cancer causing carcinogens.

  • Red grapes: and yes, this includes the grapes found in red wine, they contain antioxidants referred to as bioflavonoids, these are very powerful anti cancer compounds.

This is but a few out there, the list goes on, in short though, almost every fruit and vegetable we know has some kind of anti cancer compound within it, some more powerful than others. Another probably little known or understood cause of cancer is acid retention within the body, pollutants of almost every kind and even too much exercise by way of lactic acid build up within overtaxed muscles can cause your body to become "acidic".

Acid levels within the body can raise whenever we consume acidic foods, you should be able to pick these just by their taste, drinks like coffee, alcohol, supermarket orange juice and others, soft drinks or "pop" drinks. Excess acid in most creatures, especially the one's we like to eat and us, is stored in the fatty tissues, so when you are enjoying that next fatty cut of meat or burger etc, you are taking that animals excess acids into your own body where it floats around your body and "settles" in organs, veins, arteries, fat tissue etc and erodes the inside of your body thus causing many of the cancers we know today.

We can still enjoy a diet of meat however, just so long as we counteract the excess acids and other harmful compounds in our bodies with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

You just need to find out how, in doing this you will not only stave off the threat of cancer YOU WILL BEGIN TO FEEL GREAT ON EVERY LEVEL, as your body will become thou roughly healthy.

To get ALL the information about preventing cancer, and even how to help cure existing cancer go to, to find out exactly how. Cancer is one of the greatest fears of our time, but with the right knowledge you can be one of the one's without this fear simply by staying healthy.

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What Is Adrenocortical Carcinoma?

What Is Adrenocortical Carcinoma?

What Is Adrenocortical Carcinoma?
By Paul A Morales

Adrenocortical carcinomas are uncommon malignancies that affect the adrenal cortex (outermost layer of the adrenal glands). These glands are found on top of the kidneys, and are responsible for producing hormones which control some body functions. These hormones include adrenaline, noradrenaline (which control heart rate, blood pressure, etc.), steroids, and some sex hormones (estrogen, testosterone).

Its occurrence is noted most on children younger than five years old, and to adults in their thirties and forties. It is found on both males and females. It is rare, as the chance of getting this type of carcinoma is two out of one million.

The causes of having this type of carcinoma are unknown, but it may be linked on genetics. People with family members affected with this type have been theorized to have increased risk of getting this type.

Signs and Symptoms
As the tumor develops in the gland, some/all hormones that the gland produces also increase in the bloodstream. This increase can lead to several symptoms that may depend on what hormone levels are affected.

Cortisol: Cortisol is a hormone that is responsible for carbohydrate metabolism, and to the body's response to stress. Its increase can produce symptoms which mimic those of Cushing's disease. These symptoms may include:

Buffalo hump: a hump found almost on the nape area of the body, which is usually made up of fat;

Moon face: a change in the patient's face, which produces puffy cheeks, and makes it rounded, resembling that of a full moon;

Virilization: male sexual characteristics become more prominent in both males and females, which causes increased hair growth in some parts of the body, deepening of the voice, and acne.

Aldosterone: Aldosterone is a hormone responsible for salt (sodium and potassium) and water balance in the body. Increase of this hormone can cause symptoms, such as:
Increased thirst: because of increased sodium in the body, and; muscle cramps and weakness: because of electrolyte imbalance.


Diagnosis of adrenocortical carcinomas will depend on the approach prescribed by the examiner. The physician can use several methods in order to properly diagnose if one has this type of cancer.

Symptom analysis: using the symptoms provided above, the doctor can already suspect that a patient has this type of cancer.

Laboratory tests: using different blood chemistry and hormonal analysis, a physician can see results such as increased blood glucose (because of increased cortisol), and change of hormonal levels from its normal limits.

Radiology: the tumor formed can be visualized through the use of different radiologic examinations, which can include X-ray, CT Scan, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Pathology: the physician can request extraction of a part of the tumor through different methods, and confirm its malignancy by doing a biopsy.

The initial and the only treatment of this type of cancer is through removal of the tumor itself, especially when it has already affected some major blood vessels. If surgery is successful, the chances of living for five more years will be increased to fifty to sixty percent. However, not all of the patients are surgical candidates. If the patients will not be able to undergo surgery, some approaches such as radiotherapy, and radiofrequency ablation will be taken. Medications to control the production of cortisol might be given, as most of the symptoms are caused by increased cortisol.

Adrenal carcinoma is a dangerous and possibly fatal type of cancer. However, knowing Adrenal carcinoma and consulting your physician as early as soon as possible can help in early management and treatment of the disease.

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Marijuana Use May Increase Risk of Testicular Cancer

Marijuana Use May Increase Risk of Testicular Cancer

Marijuana Use May Increase Risk of Testicular Cancer
By Leeman Taylor

Smoking marijuana may increase men's risk of testicular cancer, a new study from the University of Southern California (USC) finds.

This new study discovered that men who smoked weed or marijuana were twice as likely as men who had not to get a dangerous form of the disease. If you don't know, testicular cancer is the most common form of cancer diagnosed in men under the age of 45. It's also on the rise, says Scott Eggener, MD, a cancer surgeon at the University of Chicago who has studied the trend.

There was a study released earlier this year that showed marijuana use is up, with 1 in 10 teens now smoking marijuana at least 20 times a month. The USC study compared a group of 163 men with testicular cancer to a similar group of 292 healthy men who were questioned about recreational drug use. The researchers of California discovered those men who used marijuana had a two-fold increased risk of testicular tumors and, more specifically, tend to affect younger men and are difficult to diagnose, requiring chemotherapy.

I know the doubled risk of cancer may sound quite scary, but researchers caution that men who have smoked marijuana shouldn't panic. This is because the odds that a man will get testicular cancer are pretty small to begin with. About 1 in 400 men are diagnosed by the time they are 35, according to the National Cancer Institute. Even if you double that risk to 1 in 200, any one man's chances are still pretty slim. The study also does not prove that marijuana causes cancer.

On the other hand, there was a negative effect in this study between a history of cocaine use and these types of cancer. Victoria Cortessis, MSPH, PhD, assistant professor of preventive medicine, offers an explanation in the fact that cocaine destroys sperm-producing germ cells, as it is known to occur in animals. Cocaine may lead to infertility but it may also kill cells, including cancerous ones, before they even develop cancer, which would explain the lower incidence of testicular tumors among cocaine users. This is most likely the first study to reveal such an association.

Doctors still don't know why marijuana may increase the risk of certain types of cancer.The active ingredient in marijuana, THC, may interfere with normal hormone signaling between the brain and the testicles. Further research will be conducted that will look at all the processes.

The bottom line, explains Stephen M. Schwartz, PhD, MPH, an epidemiologist at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, is that marijuana may not be as harmless a drug as some people think. I have never heard of anyone dying from marijuana use or overdosing so I always thought that marijuana can't be that harmful. Sure enough you will get the "munchies" or laugh uncontrollably, but that's all I knew. As a matter of fact, many individuals have found marijuana to help them with stress and certain pains.

"The overall story is that there's an increased risk in marijuana users," says Schwartz, who was not involved in the research. "It's particular to the kinds of testicular tumors that are the most aggressive and therefore the most likely to put a man's life at risk." What's more, he says, the finding "is pretty consistent amongst these three studies, which is something we should be paying attention to."

The main issue that concerns me is the increased use of marijuana among teens. There has been a study that suggested that teens who smoke marijuana routinely risk a long term drop in their IQ. The significant fact about the analysis showed that individuals who reduced smoking habits and quit entirely, still showed declines their IQ by the age of 38.

The best solution to both of these studies is to avoid marijuana all together and practice healthy habits such as dieting and exercising. There is no better feeling in the world than knowing you are healthy and continuing to improve your body inside and out. Change your bad habits today and start following a healthier lifestyle.

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Living With Kidney Cancer

Living With Kidney Cancer

Living With Kidney Cancer
By Donald Willeyand Evelyn Willey

Being diagnosed with kidney cancer, or even being told of the suspicion of it, can make you feel extremely fearful. It is estimated that over 64 thousand new cases of kidney cancer will be diagnosed this year and that there will be in excess of 14 thousand people losing their life to this disease during the same period.The survival rate of kidney cancer has been pretty low compared to other kinds of cancers. Over the past decade many advances have been made in understanding and development of new ways to combat kidney cancer. In the United States the survival rate has risen to 1-in-33.

The kidneys are important organs in the human body and they perform many functions to keep it healthy, including producing hormones, absorbing minerals, and filtering blood and urine. Kidneys are two bean shaped organs the size of clenched fists that reside in the rear of the body in the abdomen, and are part of the urinary tract. They make urine by a filtering process that removes waste and water from the blood and make substances to control blood pressure and red blood cells. Attached to the top of each kidney is an adrenal (suprarenal) gland that is critical in creating various hormones that are required for a healthy life. To survive, the human body must have at least one functioning kidney and adrenal gland.

The cells in the body are the building blocks that make up the tissues, that make up the kidneys and the other organs of the body. When the cells malfunction, cancer starts. Cells naturally grow, divide and die as a natural part of life, and as they die they are replaced by new cells. When this natural process gets out of control and old or damaged cells do not die, malignant cells are formed and eventually produce a mass or a tumor. These tumors may be benign (not usually a threat to life) or malignant (may be a threat to life). Early detection of a tumor by a trained medical professional is critical in determining its chances for successful treatment.

Cancer is the most feared disease in the world. It is the second leading cause for death in the United States and human beings have had cancer since the very beginning of recorded history. The term cancer refers to malignant tumors, which can invade nearby tissues and can spread to other parts of the body. Descriptions of cancer have been recorded in Egyptian history as far back as 3000BC.

There are many types of cancer and they all start as the out of control growth of abnormal cells. There are millions of people alive today who have cancer or who have had cancer. Scientists know that cancer can be caused by chemicals, radiation and viruses, and can even run in families. By understanding DNA and genes, it was found that it was the damage to DNA that frequently led to the development of cancer. Discoveries have continued over the years providing new understandings and the development of techniques and medications that now can be directed to a specific type of cancer.

Rental Cell Carcinoma (RCC) is also known as kidney cancer. Kidney cancer occurs when cells in the kidney divide without control or order.Renal cancers typically develop due to genetic changes called mutations. These mutations may be inherited, but most occur after birth. It is a devastating disease occurring mostly in men between the ages of 50 and 70 and affecting between 50,000 and 70,000 people a year in the United States alone.

Both kidneys can have the disease and it can spread to the lungs and other parts of the body. There can be many symptoms of this disease or it can be discovered during medical imaging of the body when checking for other problems. There are many types of RCC, but all start in the cells of the outer layer of the kidney and may be discovered as a single type or a group of many types.

The three main types of RCC are Clear Cell, Papillary Cell and Chromophobe Cell. Clear Cell is the most common and account for 75-85% of these tumors. Papillary Cell is the second most common and accounts for 10-15% of these tumors. Chromophobe Cell accounts for 3-5% of these tumors. RCC accounts for 2-3% of all cancers worldwide and is the 7th and 9th most common cancer in men and women. Kidney cancer may occasionally interfere with the body's ability to filter the blood, which may require dialysis treatments in some cases.

The overall prognosis for cancer has improved over the last few decades. In the 1970's approximately 1 of 2 people diagnosed with the disease survived at least five years. Now that has changed to 2 of 3. The prognosis for RCC depends on the extent of the disease, its stage (1 through 5) when it was diagnosed and if it has spread into other parts of the body. When it has spread outside the kidney into other parts of the body, its survival rates are low. RCC found in the early stages may be cured over time. The problem is when this cancer is not found until it has reached an advanced stage, and the chance of curing stage 5 RCC is very small.

Many people with cancer feel anxious and depressed, angry and resentful, helpless and defeated. Family and friends can be very supportive but may be hesitant to offer their support due to not knowing how to approach it. They can feel powerless because they do not know what to do to help the person with kidney failure, or if they receive a negative reaction when trying to help. Talking to others can provide a big help, not only in understanding the disease but in talking to others that have or have had the disease. People need to talk about their fears and feelings.

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Holistic Approach to Cancer

Holistic Approach to Cancer

Holistic Approach to Cancer
By Michael E. Goldberg

The holistic approach to cancer is to boost a person's energy, to boost a person's immune system, to make sure the body is alkaline (and not acidic), to greatly reduce stress and negativity and negative thinking (because this depletes energy), to ensure cells have adequate oxygen (through deep breathing and hydration), to cut out refined sugars, starches, most fats and processed and junk foods from the diet and to greatly reduce consumption of meat and dairy products.

The holistic approach also advocates that we greatly reduce our exposure to toxins in the air, food and water, and that we use natural products and filter our drinking water. Toxins damage our immune system and compromise its ability to prevent cancer. Iodine deficiency may result from toxicity and iodine helps to de-toxify the body. So, look into iodine supplements. Also, look into the consumption of seaweed and kelp that contain iodine. De-toxify your body with the high nutrient diet below below and a lot of filtered water with fresh lemon and lime along with milk thistle supplements.

The holistic approach is intended to be used in combination with conventional medicine and not in lieu of conventional medicine. With respect to any disease and its treatment, consult a physician.

Holistic-oriented research indicates that toxins in the air, food and water and in other products we ingest or put on our bodies damage the immune system and permit cancer cells to proliferate. It is also clear from the holistic research that poor diet and nutrition and lack of exercise damage the immune system too. Stress and negativity drain a person's energy and damage his or her immune system. All this leads to a sick body that cannot fight the proliferation of cancer cells in it.

The holistic approach helps you achieve and maintain balance and high vibrations. The tools it uses are education, information, coaching, daily meditation and prayer, deep breathing techniques,exercise stretching, nutrition and energy body cleansing and Reiki and other forms of energy body healing.

It is important to keep the energy body clean and vibrant, removing energy blockages and attachments so that energy levels are high and energy flows freely through the body. This is done through Reiki and energy healing and emotional release techniques along with meditation and visualization techniques and positive thinking techniques.

It is important to let go of the painful past and any negative energy stored at the cellular level such as anger, fear, worry, resentment, regrets and guilt. It is important to achieve and maintain peace of mind and balance and an ongoing feeling of inner peace and joy and cultivate positive thoughts and emotions (i.e., the ongoing flow of unconditional love felt in the heart and body leads to inner peace).

It is important to maintain a healthy weight and to end obesity and smoking. It is important to reduce body fat (measured as BMI) to acceptable levels. The holistic approach to achieve this is through diet, exercise, stress reduction and natural supplements.

We must consume a healthy diet that consists primarily of whole foods and avoid processed foods. Generally speaking, we should only consume foods that contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. A high nutrient diet is recommended. This diet should consist almost entirely of whole fresh vegetables, which provide the vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants so needed by the body.

According to holistic research, sugar, a lack of oxygen at the cellular level, toxicity and acidity feed cancer. Diet, exercise and energy body cleansing and healing will hep reverse these factors. The diet discussed above should help the body stay alkaline (as opposed to acidic). It will eliminate refined sugars, fat and starches that are in processed foods and substantially reduce meat that all keep the body acidic. The holistic research indicates that an alkaline body is best for cancer.

Take good sized doses of vitamins and trace minerals - a, b complex, c, d3, e, k1 and k2 and co q 10, fish oil, flaxseed oil, astragalus, liquid, collodial trace mineral supplements (especially liquid, collodial trace minerals), alpha lipoic acid and resveratrol.

Super foods such as, chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass, and garlic will help boost the immune system. They can be taken as supplements.

Holistic research indicates the benefits of turmeric, soursop, pau' d arco and hemp oil with respect to cancer along with the topical use of frankincense essential oil. Holistic research also indicates the benefits of bromelain re natural treatment for cancer. Bromelain is a natural enzyme that is derived from pineapple and is sold as a supplement. Due to toxicity and poor diet, many people are iodine deficient. Holistic research indicates the need to normalize iodine levels. You can raise iodine levels through the high nutrient diet discussed in this article along with iodine supplements. Also, seaweed and kelp are a good source of iodine.

Supplements that help boost energy and the immune system include co-q10, Asian mushroom supplements (reishi, shitake, mitaki, cordyceps and others), astragalus, resveritrol, vitamins c, d3 and b complex vitamins and green tea extract supplements.

Holistic research indicates the benefits of eating the apple seeds along with the apples you eat. According to the research, the seeds are rich in vitamin B17 and natural cyanide that kills cancer cells.

Try alkaline water or put baking soda or powder in your filtered water to help keep your body alkaline and reduce acid.

Exercise is important. Do daily cardio exercises and lift weights. This will help reduce blood sugar and boost energy and the immune system. It will help get oxygen and energy flowing. Do yoga and stretching. This will also help get oxygen and energy flowing.

Get outdoors and expose your skin to moderate amounts of sunshine each day, especially on your face and arms. This will help your body produce vitamin D3 for good health. Breathe deeply, center yourself and maintain good posture to improve the flow of oxygen and energy in your body. Get into nature often- around trees, running water and the ocean. The air in these locations has more oxygen in it. Also, put a lot of plants in your home and keep it well ventilated to improve the oxygen in your home.

Greatly reduce stress in your life because stress drains energy and damages the immune system, so needed to prevent and fight cancer.

Most stress comes from our thoughts and emotions. Choose positive thoughts and emotions over negative ones and reduce stress factors in your life to conserve and boost your energy. Focus on being and feeling happy.

Meditation and deep breathing techniques are important to get the mind and body to relax and get us out of a state of stress and negativity.

Reiki and energy healing are also important with respect to cancer.

Please see my articles on the holistic approach to Type 2 Diabetes and Depression on for additional holistic techniques that will help with respect to Cancer too.

The foregoing is not intended to be medical advice. It is information based on holistic health research. It is a holistic approach intended to be used in combination with conventional medicine. Consult your physician for medical advice.

September, 2012

Michael E. Goldberg is a Reiki Master, Health and Life Coach and Author of The Road to Healing, Good Health and Wellness (available on, kindle and barnes and, End of Mood Disorders (available on and barnes and and The Road to Happiness, available for free at and the Facebook Page entitled The Road to Happiness along with many free articles on holistic health at Michael provides Reiki healing and life and health coaching. Michael can be reached at or the Facebook Pages Michael Goldberg or Mike Gold.

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